Deepening Our Practice
All-Day and Half-Day Sittings

Dharma Heart Zen All-day Sitting
Sunday May 26, 2024
9:00am - 4:00pm PT

Open Sky Retreat Space
Hybrid In-person and Zoom (link below)

The all-day sitting includes periods of zazen meditation, walking meditation and dharma talk.
You are welcome to attend for part of the day but encouraged to attend the entire day and participate in person, if you are able. Bring a bag lunch. Zafus, zabutons and chairs are available.

If you are sitting in-person,
please arrive with time to settle in before we begin at 9:00 am.

If you are on Zoom, please set up a quiet space to sit ahead of time and enter the Zoom zendo quietly. Have the schedule for the day with you.


If you would like to have dokusan with Chris during the sitting, it’s helpful if you can let the Dharma Heart Zen Registrar, Gretchen, know by Friday, May 24.
If you are on Zoom, include your Facetime phone number and have your phone on during the sitting so Chris can call you.

Suggested donation for the day is $25-$40, dana is always received with gratitude.
No one is ever turned away. If you're able to contribute more, it helps to support the Sangha. 


Please let the Registrar know if you plan to attend for part of or the entire day,
and if you are coming in person or on Zoom.
You can use the link below or email Gretchen at
Please review the Covid Protocol.


Meeting ID: 891 3371 7988
Passcode: 527898

Other Upcoming Sittings:
Sunday, June 23 
Sunday, September 8
Sunday, October 13 
Sunday, November 10
Saturday & Sunday, December 7 & 8