Buddha's Awakening Rohatsu
with Shuso Dharma Inquiry Ceremony
and Closing of the Fall 2025 Practice Period
December 6 & 7, 2025
Saturday 9am-5pm PT
Sunday 9am-4:30pm PT
This is a non residential retreat
Hybrid in-person and Zoom (link below)
Open Sky Retreat Space
located 15 minutes south of Sebastopol
(limited overnight accommodations available at Open Sky, see below)
We will join with Buddhists all over the world to celebrate Buddha’s Earth Touching Awakening
under the Bodhi Tree, with and for all beings.
The sesshin begins with a full day of sitting on Saturday. The Saturday evening service is dedicated to expressing gratitude to Buddha for opening the path of Awakening to us all. Returning to our homes at 5pm PT, we continue at-home practice, and return to the meditation hall at Open Sky at 9am PT Sunday morning for a second day of sitting and practice.
The sesshin concludes with a Shusho Dharma Inquiry Ceremony, Hossen Shiki, and a Closing Ritual of the Fall 2024 Practice Period on Sunday afternoon, followed by a reception.
Attending the entire sesshin is strongly encouraged. It is possible to register for just the closing Ceremonies on Sunday afternoon.
Please make a special effort to attend if you’re in the Practice Period.
Bring a bag lunch each day. Chairs and cushions are available.
Important Parking Information
Online participants, please refer to the Schedule and Chantbook
Open to everyone
Dokusan (meeting with the teacher) is available in person and online. Please contact the registrar Marilyn by Friday, December 6 to schedule. If you are on Zoom, include your Facetime phone number and have your phone on during the sitting so Chris can call you.
Sangha members have space available in their homes for long-distance participants. Overnight accommodations at Open Sky Retreat Space are available for an additional charge and include a kitchen for meal preparation. Let Marilyn know if you're interested in either option.
The suggested dana for the retreat is a sliding scale of $50-$150. Dana is always received with gratitude. No one is ever turned away. If you're able to contribute more, it helps to support the sangha.
Please indicate what days you will be participating in, and if you will be at the closing ceremonies.
Email Marilyn Eversole at marilyneversole@gmail.com or use the button below.
Please review the Covid Protocol:
In-person participants are encouraged to be fully vaccinated and boosted for Covid and vaccinated for seasonal flu.
Masking is optional and encouraged for attendees who require or desire an extra measure of safety.
If you experience a new onset of fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, sneezing, sinus congestion; test positive for Covid; or have had exposure to someone with a known diagnosis of Covid or flu within 5 days of the gathering, please do not attend in person.
Meeting ID: 891 3371 7988
Passcode: 527898