
Dharma Heart Zen
Zen Books, Traditional Texts, Sutras
Bohdisattva Precepts
Ecodharma link coming
Voices & Communities for Liberation
Actions, Resources and Dharma rooted in clarity and compassion
A treasure trove of dharma study materials - books, articles, quotes, poetry and stories
Click the + symbol to open the list of links
Shunryu Suzuki Archive
Eightfold Path
Cultivating Right Speech
Dogen’s Shobogenzo/The Bodhisattvas Four Embracing Actions
The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace is Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Fourteen Precepts of the Order of Interbeing, from Peace is Every Step
Way-seeking Mind Transcript of 1966 lecture, by Suzuki Roshi
Introduction to Sitting Zazen, by Norman Ficsher -
Sangha Reflection Poem of the Brahmaviharas
Ellen Sherron’s Reflection on Tassajara Wildland Firefighter Retreat
Readings from Erika Wild’s Dharma Talk 1/18/24
SONG: Our Hero Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, by Greg Fain & Ben Gustin
Journey of Two Ukrainian Families
Erika Wild’s Service trip in El Salvador sponsored by ESNA Village Network
Tenzo Helena's Nut Loaf Recipe
Farmer Training Program
Bearing Witness in Israel/Palestine -
Train Yourself to Always Show Up, essay by Sharon Brous
Keep a Small Flame Burning, by Stephen Fulder
Engaged Family Practice Reading List
Fresh and Young interview with Kaz Tanahashi
Watching a nightmare: Letter from Hozan Alan Senauke of Berkeley Zen Center
Signs of the Time Project
Home Is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path
VIDEO: Alabama Civil Rights Pilgrimage Sept 5-10, 2023, offered by Bob Andrews
Christmas gift bags for residents of Sam Jones Shelter
Community Church Sanctuary Statement -
The First Free Women: Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns, by Matty Weingast
The Hidden Lamp, by Florence Caplow and Susan Moon
Buddha's Daughters: Spiritual Journeys of Early Women of the Dharma, by Kate Blickhahn
The Gathering: A Story of the First Buddhist Women, by Vanessa Sasson
First Buddhist Women, by Susan Murcot (Book Review)
The Woman Who Raised the Buddha: The Extraordinary Life of Mahaprajapati, by Wendy Garling
Women of the Way, by Sallie Tisdale
In Search of Buddha's Daughters: The Hidden Lives and Fearless Work of Buddhist Nuns, by Christine Toomey
VIDEO: Bowing to Lotuses Blooming in the Mud: Gratitude as an agent for change with Dr. Paula Arai -

led by Dharma Heart Zen members
Qigong with Cherie Goodwin Lippard
Morning Zazen on Zoom
hosted by Debi Papazian
Yulupa Sangha Weekly Meditation & Book Study
led by Mary Ann Sacksteder
SFZC Family Program at Green Gulch Farm
with Chelsea True & Shelly Hughes