Sangha Week at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Zenshinji (Zen Heart-Mind Temple)

Tassajara is nestled in a mountain valley located in a remote part of California’s Ventana Wilderness, inland from the Big Sur coast. It is one of three Soto Zen practice communities that comprise San Francisco Zen Center. Tassajara, also referred to by its monastery name of Zenshinji (Zen Heart-Mind Temple), is dedicated to San Francisco Zen Center’s mission, which is “to embody, express, and make accessible the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.”
Surrounded by inspiring mountain vistas, Tassajara encourages a more spacious and present way of being. The hot springs melt away the stress and dust of daily living. Carefully prepared food nourishes body and spirit. The air and the skies are crystal clear, and the stars shine brightly at night. Away from the distractions and demands of daily life, supported by the sounds of the creek and the breeze in the sycamores, the opportunity to deeply relax and connect with the natural world is readily at hand.
For more information
Visit the SFZC Tassajara webpage
Slideshow of
Sangha Week at Tassajara
July 23-28, 2024

Tassajara Sangha Week July 23-28 2024!

Jizo Ceremony for those who have died and for the well being of the earth

temple work as Chiden (caring for the zendo and altars)

Tassajara Creek Turtle

Preparing for Bodhisattva Jukai Lay Ordination Ceremony

Yael Raff Peskin... Kan Jin Do I, Compassion Stream Awakened Activity

Slideshow of
Sangha Week at Tassajara
June 6-11 2023